Planned Parenthood Update: Eugenics as Marketing Strategy

In recently released videos that graphically illustrate Planned Parenthood’s complicity in the selling of aborted baby parts, the abortion giant’s reprehensible practices are exposed for the world to see. But in addition to exploiting aborted babies for their own financial gain, Planned Parenthood also continues to facilitate the extermination of Black and Hispanic/Latino babies by placing the majority of their surgical abortion facilities within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.

Protecting Black Life’s 2012 census-based study of the demographics surrounding Planned Parenthood’s 165 surgical abortion facilities found that 79 percent were located within walking distance (two miles) of Black or Hispanic/Latino communities. Since then, Planned Parenthood has closed 10 facilities, opened 18 new ones and moved 18 others, for a current total of 173 surgical abortion facilities.

Using the same census-based analysis, Protecting Black Life found that 78 percent of these 173 facilities are within walking distance of Black and Hispanic/Latino communities, indicating that Planned Parenthood continues their strategy of targeting minority communities for abortion.

In addition, 74 percent of the facilities are within walking distance of at least one college, confirming Planned Parenthood’s approach of targeting all vulnerable demographics possible. College-aged women (20-24) receive 33 percent of all abortions.

In total, a whopping 90 percent of Planned Parenthood’s current surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of a college or a Black or Hispanic/Latino neighborhood. Clearly with intent, Planned Parenthood has placed 35 percent of these facilities to target all three of these vulnerable demographics from each location.

Planned Parenthood argues that they place their facilities to serve poor communities with “reproductive health care.” However, our study documents that they specifically place their surgical abortion facilities in these minority/poor areas. For those women, Planned Parenthood’s idea of “reproductive health care” is clearly abortion. The abortion giant “serves” them by taking their money and killing their babies. Planned Parenthood’s annual report shows that over 94 percent of the pregnant women they “serve” receive an abortion, compared to 5 percent who receive pre-natal care and 1 percent referred for adoption.

In fact, abortion is the leading killer of Blacks and Hispanics, more than all other causes of death combined. In 2010, approximately 330,000 Black babies were aborted, compared to 286,959 Black deaths by all other causes. In the same year, 275,000 Hispanic/Latino babies died by abortion, compared to 144,490 deaths by all other causes. Over their lifetime, Black women are five times more likely to have an abortion than White women, and Hispanic women are 2.3 times more likely. These trends are frightening for the future of minority communities, and are arguably rooted in the continuous targeting of minorities by the abortion industry.

Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, Planned Parenthood has consistently placed their abortion facilities in or near minority communities, becoming the “friendly neighborhood clinic” residents see in their daily travels. Over time, the constant presence of an abortion facility has insidiously allowed abortion to become part of the culture.

With each abortion, Planned Parenthood receives money for killing a tiny human being. That’s a fact. In Fiscal Year 2013-2014, they earned an estimated $170 million from abortions, approximately 58 percent of their Health Services revenue. Unlike Pregnancy Resource Centers, who offer services free of charge to women in crisis pregnancies, Planned Parenthood has a financial interest in encouraging women to abort. In her book Unplanned, former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson revealed that abortion facilities are routinely pressured to improve their bottom line by increasing the number of abortions they perform.

Also in Fiscal Year 2013-2014, taxpayers added $528 million to the coffers of Planned Parenthood, ostensibly to provide healthcare to women. Since Planned Parenthood offers no mammograms, very little pre-natal care and no care for ailments unrelated to reproduction, their services consist largely of birth control, pregnancy tests and abortions. With more than 9,000 other non-abortion-providing federally qualified health centers in the country, it makes no sense for taxpayers to fund an organization that has fewer than 700 locations, offers very little actual healthcare and kills pre-born babies for money. It’s time to stop the taxpayer largesse that enables Planned Parenthood.

These facts about Planned Parenthood are documented in Protecting Black Life’s Client brochures and Client Educator booklets (Black and Hispanic versions) designed for Pregnancy Resource Centers and available from Life Issues Institute at

Susan W. Enouen, P.E., is currently a homemaker and volunteer with a B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Ohio State University. Her professional experience includes work in data analysis and research for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Dupont, and Battelle Memorial Institute.